Townhouse Decorating: How to Make Small Living Rooms Look Large | Vancouver Townhouse

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Townhouse Decorating: How to Make Small Living Rooms Look Large

Townhouse DecoratingTownhouse decorating is key to creating an attractive living room. This is a space no one wants to skimp on since it tends to be a hub for the whole family. By looking at limited space as a creative design challenge, you can create a beautiful, family-friendly room that will catch the eye of prospective buyers, according to Ariane Benjamin, realtor at

Townhouses tend to be long and narrow,” says Ariane. “The key to creating a beautiful living room in a townhouse is to invest in space-saving, multi-purpose solutions. With a little investment, it’s possible to create spaces that will help maximize returns when it’s time to sell your property.


5 Townhouse Decorating Tips

These five tips will help give you the flexibility you need to create a room that’s airy and welcoming:

1) Opt for built-in furniture and shelves

Appropriate shelving and other built-in space solutions are always ideal because you can customize each to meet your sizing needs. This also gives you an opportunity to get creative. For example, try using a series of artfully arranged floating shelves to function as a media centre!

2) Maximize ceiling space

If you have high ceilings, make use of them. When hanging shelves, make sure to place them right to the top. If you’re buying bookshelves, look for narrow, extra-tall options. Not only will you benefit from the extra space, you’ll create a feeling of volume in the room.

3) Be creative

Think about how you can use furniture to create separation between different zones in the room. For example, is there a corner where you like to read? Maybe you want to place a table behind the sofa to separate it from the dining room? Try using overhead lighting in each space. This will help highlight the different uses of the room, making it seem bigger.

4) Paint strategically

If you hire a colour consultant, they may introduce different hues on the walls and ceilings to suffuse the light and create the illusion of space. For example, painting the trim and walls the same colour helps draw the eye upwards. Brightening a dark wall with light elements can also create depth and lighten up a room.

5) Ditch the oversized

Not every home is designed for a 10-foot sofa or giant media centre. In townhouse decorating, balance is important. Avoid the oversized, ornate furniture that makes small rooms feel heavy. Low-profile, streamlined furniture is generally best for small spaces.

Vancouver has a wealth of experienced style consultants who can come in and give you some great ideas for your home,” Ariane explains. “It doesn’t have to be when you’re looking to sell. Create a space that you love—that will show well when you decide it’s time to move on. It’s a great investment that really makes you feel good when you come home.

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