Staging Townhouses to Sell | Vancouver Townhouse

Vancouver Townhouse Blog

Staging Townhouses to Sell

vancouver staging townhouses to sell

“At, we include home staging as a complimentary service for every townhouse that we list. It’s a feature our clients love, because they see real results, especially if they’ve sold without staging in the past,” says Realtor Ariane Benjamin.

With 13 years of experience in Vancouver’s townhouse market, both Ariane and her team have witnessed the benefits of home staging townhouses firsthand—that’s why she includes it as a complimentary service for everyone who lists their property with

Much like a cosmetic makeover, home staging removes that lived-in look that can age a property. With neutral colours and an attractive decor, people find it easier to visualize how they would live in the space. On the surface, this is simply appealing to a buyer’s emotions. It’s important to make people fall in love with a space. However, a lot of research has gone into the value of home staging, and the fact is that it brings concrete benefits to a home seller.

Benefits of Staging Townhouses

  • according to the CBC, the real estate industry estimates that staging adds between 6 and 15 percent to the asking price
  • an RESA survey conducted in 2010 found that staging yields up to a 300 percent return on the investment
  • staged homes photograph better and attract more interest and attention on MLS
  • Forbes reported that staged homes sell 87 percent faster than non-staged homes

“In conclusion, staging your townhouses means a faster sale and a better price,” explains Ariane. “It’s important to take the initiative and make sure your property stands out before it goes on the market. This is because the longer a property sits, the more likely buyers are to try and negotiate on the price.”

Book Your Complimentary Consultation

To learn more, contact Ariane and schedule a free consultation. She’ll help you discover what your property is worth today and explain more about the complimentary staging service offered at . Call  604-779-1500 or email

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