When Selling Your Townhouse Doesn't Pay | Vancouver Townhouse

Vancouver Townhouse Blog

When Selling Your Townhouse Doesn’t Pay

selling a townhouse

As a townhouse expert and realtor at vancouvertownhouse.ca, Ariane Benjamin knows that there are times selling your townhouse doesn’t pay—literally.

“It’s important to pay attention to what’s going on in and around your property before putting it on the market,” explains Ariane. “There are a number of things that can sabotage your home’s sale, and many of these are things you may have never even considered.”

Do not list if…

Major construction works or repair projects around a property can be a major deterrent to buyers. Aside from the noise, dust, and traffic congestion, the final outcome is still unknown, and buyers tend to be wary. The newest luxury skyscraper development could mean the end of a home’s million-dollar view. Be aware of what’s happening around your property when it comes to city planning. If a major project is taking place, buyers may attempt to haggle. Generally, it’s best to list after a project is completed—or well before it starts.

Know the Market Before Selling Your Townhouse

“It’s also important to monitor the listings around you,” says Ariane. “A comparable home that’s been low-balled will certainly impact your listing.” It’s generally best to wait until an undervalued home is sold—or learn why the home is listed so competitively. Is the home damaged? Are scheduled repairs going to cause maintenance fees in a similar building to skyrocket? Understanding the big picture is important when it comes to justifying the value of a townhouse.

“If there’s no major work happening around your property, and listings are on par with the value of the area, then it’s an ideal time for selling your townhouse,” says Ariane. “The mild weather means that homes show nicely and many buyers are hoping for a purchase that corresponds with the start of the school year.”

To learn more about listing a property with vancouvertownhouse.ca, please call 604-779-1500 and ask for Ariane Benjamin.

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